Digital Document Signature

Automate your workflow, ditch paper and legally sign any document digitally.

Use any device to sign any document with anybody. Signature is simple, quick, flexible and secure.

Drag and drop document editor

Upload and prepare documents for digital signature using our easy to use drag and drop editor.

Create document templates

Save time by setting up templates for frequently used documents – use them as many times as needed.

Create powerful template links

Generate self- serve template links that can easily be signed when one signer is required – perfect for rental applications or special request forms.

Build forms and collect information

Quickly build your own custom forms and collect required information digitally.

Customized signature permissions

Control which employees should have access to view, prepare, edit, approve and sign documents.

Pre-populate and sign provincial leases

Save time by generating pre-populated legally binding provincial leases, pulling information directly from your Building Stack account.

Ontario     Quebec     British Columbia     
And More

Full audit trail

Track every step of the document signature flow, including a detailed audit trail history for every activity, view, signature, user information and much more.

Signature reminders and notifications

Send automated email reminders to recipients for any unsigned documents.

Custom branding

Set up custom branding for all documents, templates, forms and signature emails.

Unlimited users

There is no maximum for users within your organization who can have access to manage or sign documents.

Multiple document formats

Upload pdf, word , png, jpg, ppt documents and many others.

Password protected

Add a pin code to any document that you share for an added layer of protection.

Automate your documents

Boost your efficiency by digitizing both internal and client- facing signatures or approvals.

High-level security

Your data is encrypted using 256-bit SSL and handled by a closely monitored infrastructure.

Go paperless

Digitize your paperwork and reduce your organization’s carbon footprint.

Manage documents

Manage your completed or uploaded documents all in one place, easily specify which colleagues or tenants should have access.


Sign and manage your documents in both English and French.

Made in Canada

Our document and lease digital signature functionality was designed in Canada for Canadians.

Get started with us.

Wherever you are, our team of experts will be happy to present you a personalized demo of Building Stack, and answer all your questions about our platform. Register now, it’s free!